Traffic signs help us fend off anarchy on the roads. Signs inform motorists what street they’re on, when to stop, which direction to go, which direction not to go…traffic signs make our communities more livable and roads safer for both motorists and pedestrians. When it comes to warning signs that indicate a potential hazard, “Children at Play” signs may not be recommended?

Concerned residents make many requests for “Slow, Children At Play” traffic signs every year. With good intentions – we all want our children safe when they ‘re playing near the road. But per the FDOT, “Federal standards discourage the use of ‘children at play’ signs.”

The “federal standards” mentioned is The MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices), and it should be the first place to go when looking for traffic sign guidance. A warning sign is a type of signage that indicates a potential hazard, obstacle, or condition requiring special attention. Warning signs are typically yellow with black symbols and legends. In school zones, warning signs can be yellow-green.

Though “Children At Play” signs are made to appear like a MUTCD-approved, yellow warning sign, federal regulations do not include them for the following reasons:

False Sense of Security. The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) states, “Caution-Children at Play or Slow Children signs should not be used since they may encourage children to play in the street and may encourage parents to be less vigilant.” “Children at Play” signs give parents a false sense of security in letting their children play in the streets.

Liability. The “Children at Play” sign is not MUTCD-standard. When you install signs that do not conform with MUTCD you may be creating liability for your community/agency.

Rarely Effective Solution. The NCHRP (National Cooperative Highway Research Program) conducted a study of pedestrian accidents and found that 80% of collisions involving children resulted from an unsafe or illegal act by the child. This sign does not reduce the speed of traffic or make drivers more observant.

 Guidance. “Children At Play” signs do not provide guidance to motorists as to a safe speed.

Over-Signage. If you place a “Children at Play” sign on a couple of blocks in your community, drivers may think the roads without the sign are children-free zones. Motorists need to expect children to be at play in all residential areas.

As stated in the MUTCD, “The use of warning signs should be kept to a minimum as the necessary use of warning signs tends to breed disrespect for all signs.”

Traffic Safety Solutions

With complete streets including motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians, Traffic Safety Solutions are vital to the safety of all roadway users with conditions on the road changing every day.

Consider these points when a residents request “CHILDREN AT PLAY” signs:

Does the roadway have a speed limit sign in the area? Some streets do not have speed limit signs, and other streets go a long distance without any. A speed limit is a clear message to a driver regarding their speed of travel. A good rule of thumb is to have a speed limit sign every minute of travel.

Specific warnings for schools, playgrounds, parks and other recreational facilities are available for use where clearly justified. See MUTCD Traffic Warning Signs.

HOA Community Pedestrian Crossing Sign

If there is an area where pedestrians and cyclists are regularly using the road a pedestrian warning sign may be used along with a share the road subplaque MUTCD sign designation W11-2 and W16-1.